New Research in Martian Biology
SANTA CRUZ,CA – 05/25/2017 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Dr. Douglas A. O’ Handley was a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (N.A.S.A.) Jet Propulsion Laboratory employee from June 1967- August 1984. He held a supervisory position during the pioneering expeditions of Viking 1 and Viking 2, the first spacecraft to land successfully on the surface of Mars. Viking 1 held the record for the longest surface mission on Mars for over thirty years, only to be broken by the rover Opportunity in 2010.
O’ Handley also worked with NASA as the Deputy Assistant Administrator. Not to mention the Office of Exploration -Code Z, from August 1988 to July 1992. He was the director emeritus of the NASA Ames Academy for Space Exploration with Lockheed Martin from 1999 to 2016 (a joint program between NASA and the State Space Grants). His body of work includes everything from professorships at Santa Clara University and Georgetown, to work with the White House’s National Space Council.
Mars Life HD
Mars Life HD met with Dr. O’ Handley in 2012, where he relayed to us a report using data amassed by Viking 1 and Viking 2: that there is water, and life, on the surface on Mars. This assertion turned out to be accurate. NASA announced water flowing on the surface on Mars on September 28, 2015. Despite learning this information before the public. We still had no idea what it would mean for our perceptions of interplanetary science, biochemistry, and evolutionary biology.
The question of the ages
The central human question has always been “Where did we come from?” Our picture, of Wurm a discovery by Mars Life HD. Which was confirmed by Dr. O’ Handley himself. Our study may have the potential to change the way this question is asked, and answered. Today, tomorrow and for the remainder of human history. He told us then as we believe now: “This will change everything in evolution and paleontology.”
Link to more on Dr. O’ Handley’s lauded life and career | Link For more evidence to bolster the case for life on Mars